An urban love story unfolds against a backdrop of political turmoil. Set in 1970's Jamaica the story of BETTER MUS COME follows Ricky, a young man from an inner city community fighting against all the odds to escape the prevailing hardships of life in the ghettos of central downtown Kingston.
Haunted by the recent tragic death of his devoted young wife and sychologically paralyzed by conflicting feelings of guilt and loyalty, he tries desperatley to navigate his way through the political minefield created by the constant social upheaval that seems to be umbiquitous in his community
After months of incarceration as a suspected political agitator Ricky is released. At his surprise home coming party he meets Kemala. In many ways Kemala and Ricky are opposites but fate nevertheless throws them together and what started with antagonism quickly transforms into burning passion.
Kemala seems to understand Ricky and it is through her influence that he draws enough strength to be able to face the socio-political forces that confront him daily while trying to find a way out of his unfortunate predicament of desperate poverty, and provide a better life for his son.
Ricky tries in earnest to convince a small group of old friends from his community to adopt a more passive approach. To defy the status quo of confrontation, with the understanding that it definitely limits ertswhile avenues of opportunity and leads to the inevitable fatal cul-de-sac. The big question is can Ricky and his friends beat the odds and ensure that Better Mus' Come…?
Storm Saulter is blessed with an innate passion which allows him to materialise his dreams. He is an all-round filmmaker/director who shoots everything he directs, and is intimately acquainted with the dialectics of film form. Graduating in 2001 from The Los Angeles Film School with a concentration in cinematography and editing, Saulter states that directing is his central point.