The mission of the DRGFF complements that of Fundacion Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) and the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD).
MissionS The Dominican Republic Global Film Festival (DRGFF) brings the best dramatic and documentary world cinema to the Dominican Republic, plays a leading role in nurturing and enriching its film culture, and brings cinema to a broad variety of audiences. The Festival seeks to raise awareness and deepen understanding of global issues through stories about events and people that have shaped our lives. It uses film as a modern platform for the discussion of ideas about politics, social and economic issues.
To reach out to people from all walks of life and social backgrounds, and create opportunity for discussion.
To reach out to students and young people and to give them the tools and the information to become engaged and concerned citizen of the world.
To use film as a medium for enhancing social awareness, and for promoting constructive change.
To offer business and creative networking opportunities to local filmmakers.
To encourage art appreciation, enhance understanding of global issues, offer training in media arts as well as support the economic, social, and democratic development of the country.
To raise awareness among film industry professionals of the desirability of the Dominican Republic as a shooting location as well as foster the professional development of domestic human resources in the field.
Creation of year–around programming to support the core mission.
Develop new programs to support local filmmakers.
Creation of a Cinemobil program to reach out to poor neighborhoods and isolated areas.
II Dominican Republic Global Film Festival - 2008
The II Dominican Republic Global Film Festival relies on the sponsorship of different Companies and Organizations in the Dominican Republic that support
modern film culture in the Dominican Republic. Read more. >>