(Puerto Plata, October 18, 2012) - Mexican film, Mariachi Gringo by American director, Tom Gustavson, will inaugurate the Dominican Global Film Festival (FCGD) in Puerto Plata. Festival Director, Omar de la Cruz, made that announcement at a press conference on Thursday at the Regional University Center of the Atlantic (CURA).
Mariachi Gringo, a musical that won Best Picture at the recent Guadalajara Film Festival, tells the story of a man prepared to go to any lengths to fulfill his dreams. Edward (Shawn Ashmore), who lives in the US, is completely in love with Mexican culture and music.
Mr. De la Cruz, told the press conference that some 12 films will be screened not only at the CURA auditorium but also at the Hotel Amhsa Marina which is providing outdoor space for viewers to see films under the stars, free of charge. As a result of Puerto Plata's support for the FCGD, said the Director, venues for future editions of the Festival will also be chosen, among them the Parque Central.
He urged young people of Puerto Plata to join the activities of the Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) that go on throughout the year, including the Short Films Contest where eleven short film entries are selected annually to be shown throughout the week of the FCGD. "Short films are those that end up as movies. It is time to support young people so they'll make their short films," said Mr. De la Cruz.
Others present at the press conference included Eridania Llibre Ortiz, Governor of Puerto Plata, and Román Racero, Rector of the Regional University Center of the Atlantic (CURA). They both encouraged the public in Puerto Plata to actively participate in the Film Festival and stressed how important it is that the FCGD is using this venue for its film screenings.
Omar de la Cruz acknowledged the ongoing work being done by members of the Cine Club Camilo Carrau, who are daily contributing to the education and entertainment of the residents of Puerto Plata.
He also expressed satisfaction for support from the Embassy of Germany; Spain (through the Spanish Agency for International Development); Switzerland; the United States (through the Franklin Center) and the Dominico-German Center and Goethe Institute.
Cap Cana, Claro, Colorín, Indomina, Palacio del Cine, Procomunicaciones, Ruiz Stereo Center, Seguros Constitución, Telemicro, AMHSA Marina, Grupo Corripio, DGCINE, Digital 15, Listín Diario, Hotel Occidente El Embajador, Panamericana Films, Palmera Pictures, Serigraf, Abasto & Servicios, Arturo Fuente Cigars, CCN, CTN, 22 Entertainment, Factoría Magazine, Group Metro, 91 FM, Martín Polanco, Pandora Magazine, Plaza Lama, Telemicro International, Ritmo Social, Zol 106.
Air Ocean, Amr Lighting, Burger King, Canal 25 Santiago, Centro Cultural de las Telecomunicaciones, Mauricio Báez Cultural Center, 97.7 Station, Las Américas Tech Institute (ITLA), Júpiter, Krispy Kreme, Mangu Music TV, Mayimbe TV, MEE, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MEESCyT), Ministry of Culture, Miravista, Musa Vision Canal 10 Puerto Plata, Papa John's, Radio Listín, RAM Engineering, Global Magazine, RNN, Sousa Sistemas, TDN Canal 10 Nagua, Teatro Nacional, UASD, Sala de Espera Magazine, IGLOBAL, Metro S.T., William H. García Mercadeo and Video2Brain.